March 9th-15th
I'd been itching for mum to come and visit since I'd moved to Perth.
After missing my cousins engagenment party because the life of a fly in fly out worker means you only get every second weekend off meant I'd been sad to miss an important family event. Mum arrived soon after.
Though battling colds, which got worse as our trip went on we still made the most of having yet another special mother daughter holiday together. We have had quite a few be it in the UK, Canada, Alaska and thats only in the last 4 years. How lucky am I, to not only have a mum who is there for me but a best friend as well. Okay enough of the soppy stuff onto the adventures.
I started our trip out by showing her the Perth city lights from Kings Park at night. The next day it was down to fremantle and the beach where the art by the sea is held. Loads of sculputres and art work strewn across the beach. A gelati was is inorder as it was going to be yet another heat wave weekend, poor mum.
I've wanted to head to Rottnest island since I moved here and now I had the chance. With the temp set for 36 degrees we caught the first ferry over, I wasn't organised so didn't have a snorkel set and due to the high temps thought it best for mum that we not do the riding trip this time in the heat, instead we opted for the hop on hop off bus scenario. This island is beautiful. The sea has all the emerald green beauty with clearness to match meaning you could really enjoy the coral and sea life. Still with soaring temps being in the water was the only escape as most of the beaches don't have shade.
Mum timed her visit for my birthday but as I'm finding with work I often miss out on special occasions. I had to fly back to work so we celebrated early. We found this cute little french restaurant over looking the ocean and watched the sunset together enjoying being in the moment. Delicious food great company and a guy playing acoustic guitar meant one inwardly happy Lisa.
All too soon my normal 6 days off work had come to an end, so drove back to Perth dropped mum off who was going to enjoy a few extra days looking around and I had dinner with my friends to celebrate again an early birthday. I was so spoilt not expecting any gifts but got some money towards the diving course I want to do, help to pay for the exmouth whale shark snorkel, voucher for anaconda and a home made quilt (extra special made by Ange).
Even though I spent the Sunday 18th March on my own onsite at work, I was still able to reflect on all the lovely people I have in my life, how lucky I am to have a supportive mum, brother and friends and family who are always going to be there for me. 29 is one step closer to the dreaded 30 so next year will have to be a big birthday celebration, I'm thinking NZ my first time there so start saving the date everyone, would love to see you all there :-)
sunrise on my birthday from my office at Cape Lambert |
BBQ with friends from work |